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In 2017, he worked in the accounting area, but he already made small arts for friends and acquaintances, including for the company itself

who managed. However, the desire to undertake and live from what used to be a hobby was greater and I resigned from the position I held in March. Amid many changes, I created the first Fábula Digital logo and opened a store at Elo7, I had no idea what to sell and finally I ended up leaving the store alone until 2020.

It was when, in September 2020, my sister-in-law asked me to make a raffle tea art for my godson. Family and friends gatherings were suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic and it would be a way to make tea. I had never heard of such raffle tea, so she sent me a very simple model, I found the idea innovative and went in search of more samples to compose an inspiration board. She ended up opting for the charreata (also new due to the pandemic) and, not to waste the design, I put it on my personal Pinterest to serve as inspiration for others. That's when it exploded, people started sending messages to acquire and asking how to buy. It was then that I reactivated the Elo7 shop and Fábula Digital began!

From then on, things started to happen quickly, and from one model we passed to many others. We started expanding to invites and got noticed by a television station! Check out our small participation in Jornal do SBT in the video below.

At the time of the interview, I was still working at another company in the accounting area. However, I was already earning more with invitations and raffle tea than the maid, it was then that we decided to dedicate ourselves entirely to Fábula Digital.

I always wanted to work from home, with something I really liked, and that became possible. That's why I tell you: don't give up! Be realistic with your limitations, study the areas you haven't mastered yet, but don't give up. Luck is a mix of God's blessing with your effort and dedication.

"Whatever you do, do it heartily, as for the Lord and not for people, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is Christ the Lord you are serving"

Colossians 3:23-24

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